Tuesday, June 29, 2010

TrackRec 2.0 updated for iOS4 is here!

TrackRec 2.0 is now available in the App store! Updated for iOS 4, using location background mode, it facilitates "always on" tracking. TrackRec will now continue tracking until you pause tracking and switch off location sharing (by depressing the cloud icon on the map view). You can verify weather TrackRec is tracking or not, by looking for the new little "compass icon" on the status bar at the top of the iPhone. It is visible whenever location services are in use.

Do also check out the new option in Settings (TrackRec's settings in the iPhone settings app... ). The new "Cell tower triggered" will disable the GPS and trigger location updates only when there are significant location changes. These updates are typically far less accurate than the GPS updates, but this mode might still come in handy for example if you want to have location sharing always on (without draining the battery).

While on the Settings topic: the old "Distance filter" setting wasn't really working as it should. That should be fixed now.


  1. Hello ! it would be very nice to get a raw .klm file to be used with Google Earth .

  2. Hi,

    I like TrackRec a lot.

    But it were even better if it would support time stamps in the KML output file.

    Maybe that's a possible feature for the next version?


  3. Wonderful prgram! :-)
    I use it, to record my kayaking tracks.
    It would be great, if you can put the current speed on the main window.

    Thanks, Tristan

  4. Hello,
    I'm sorry to come back to the sentence
    "those who potential had problems uploading for the first time" from Nov 2009,
    because I get errors like "bad upload" or "ic failed" on my iPhone 3GS with iOS4.
    What am I doing wrong?

    Best regards, Thomas

  5. Hi guys, thanks for the feedback and sorry for late response, have been away for a while.

    Emiliano: you can get raw .kmls if you click "Share" and then "Email trackfile" to yourself. These can for example then be opened in Google Earth.

    Mike: yes, planning to add timestamps to the output files.

    hoeffy: you have seen that the latest version at least shows average pace (while you are moving)? About speed, yes, maybe ... not absolutely sure.

    t.ulrich: can you maybe please contact me directly on "info at trackrec dot net" and we can try to sort it out. I am surprised you see these things... or has anyone else seen it as well?

  6. Hello
    Great app. I've been looking for something like this for a while.

    I see that you are planning on adding timestamp data to the output file, which is great. I'm looking forward to that as well. Can I request that you put as much gps info in the output as possible? It might require another output option (say, just a formatted text file) but it would be nice to have as much data as possible for each point such as speed, gpstime, heading, accuracy (or dop or SV - I'm not sure how much you can get from the hardware).

    As I said, great app. I'm looking forward to seeing how it evolves.

    Cheers, Ernest

  7. Nice app, is there any chance that this will be ported for Android as well?

  8. Hi there, great app!

    Couple of tiny suggestions - first, it would be great if you added some further statistics, e.g (including those already available):
    - Total Distance
    - Total Time
    - Moving Time
    - Average Speed
    - Average Moving Speed
    - Max Speed
    - Min Elevation
    - Max Elevation
    - Elevation Gain
    - Max Grade
    - Min Grade
    - Activity type

    The other thing is that it would be really cool if there was an option to directly save the resulting map in your google-maps account (for those who have a google account of course).


  9. This app is great! Thanks for putting the time into it. I discovered it as I was looking for a tool to create soccer heatmaps for young players. The kids have iphones strapped on and your app helps them see their position coverage after a game. I can convert the heat map data into several different graphs for them.

    They are really interested in the technology too, so it is a great teaching tool. Your app contributes in two ways for them.

    Thanks and thanks for keeping it simple!

  10. Hey mate, is there another way to contact you?
    Many thanks

  11. Hi, sure, you can email to info at trackrec dot net . And to everyone else: thanks for your feedback and suggestions. Unfortunately I haven't had much time to tinkle with trackrec lately, but I hope to be able to do some work on it later this year...

  12. hi there,
    two questions:
    1. can I save the tracks as a text file somehow?
    2. when does a track show up in history? should I hit 'reset track' before it appears? I am afraid to loose my track info..

    regards, rob

  13. Hi Rob,

    2) Yes, hit reset and you will be offered to save your track to the History Tab. I guess "Reset" isn't the best title for that button ... will consider changing that.

    1) Once saved to the History Tab, you can select/view a track and from there "Share" it by emailing it, or by uploading it to the Trackrec server.

  14. Hi!

    Great app, but i have noticed a problem with the KML file.
    Since Google Earth last update to 6.1 the KML file does not work to view in Google Earth.
    I think it has something to do with the OGC KML 2.2 standard. Google has made the parsing of the tag more strict in version 6.1. Spaces must only be used to separate the (longitude,latitude,altitude) triplets whitch specify the coordinates of a single point. It is invalid to add spaces between individual coordinates.
    Previous versions of the GE client were more lenient, so if your KML files contain spaces beween coordinates in coordinate triplets, an easy workaround is to remove all whitespace located immediately before or after commas inside a tag.


  15. Thanks for the detailed feedback, Robert!

    Fortunately this should already be addressed in the brand new TrackRec 2.1 available in the App store today!
